Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sad, sad athletics article  


  1. There are so many things to discuss in this article, but here are a few that stand out.

    (1) "Before, if he skipped class or study hall, his coaches could hold him out of games or put him through extra conditioning."

    At first, I thought the threat of extra conditioning is not much of a motivator. Then, I realized what a tightrope these coaches and advisors are walking to try and help him succeed at something and take away some benefit from his time at the university. If you hold him out of too many games, he might quit football and school, the everyone loses.

  2. (2) "He has a bachelor of liberal studies in interdisciplinary studies."

    As much as I feel for these academic advisors and the very difficult case they face with this student, this degree seems like something that is not even a real degree. It raises questions about his degree from potential employers. At this point, the story becomes almost too sad.
